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Nov 21, 2006


I have officially placed the order for the ribbon for our ribbon share. Oh my goodness... whew! Have you ever spent over $1100 on ribbon in one sitting? YIKES is all I can say. LOL It was fun and painful all at the same time. Thanks to Cyndi (cpw3431) for typing out the following list of colors and matching SU colors as I dictated. LOL I spent hours color matching against Stampin Up colors and I am SO excited about some of the matches I found. Not all are *exact* but if not, they are DEFINITELY close enough (and I am picky lol).

Without further ado, here is the list of SU colors that I matched: *lets cross our fingers for no back orders*

Brilliant Blue
Night of Navy
Cool Caribbean
Bashful blue
Lovely Lilac, Lavender Lace
Orchid Opulence
Tempting Turquoise
Creamy Carmel
Chocolate Chip
Close to Cocoa
Ruby red
Ballet Blue
Brocade Blue, Bordering Blue, Almost Amethyst, Vintage Violet
Taken with Teal
Barely Banana
Pale Plum
Perfect Plum
Pretty in Pink
So Saffron
Regal Rose
Bravo Burgundy
Buckaroo Blue
Cranberry Crisp
Pumpkin Pie

Thanks again to all who have sent payment. I am still awaiting payment from:

Kim Piceno
Missy Owoc (mailed 11/17)
Andrea Morgan

If you are sending payment, please e-mail me so I can hold your spot. Otherwise, I have alternates who would like to take your place if you are no longer interested. :)

Have a wonderful day. :)


  1. Where do you get the ribbon? TIA

  2. Can't wait to get our ribbon order - it is going to be so much fun to open!!!

  3. Hi Jody,

    Just wondering, do you know if you can buy empty ribbon spools anywhere? I mean the ones like the SU ribbon comes on.


  4. Thanks so much for doing this Jody!
    I just can't wait.:)

  5. Hi, Jody -- just came across your blog. LOVE it!

    It's been so long since we've chatted! Miss ya! Let's chat soon.

  6. I just realized that I didn't sign my name, and you won't know who I am from the name I signed in under . . .

    Leslie aka "StampinLeslie" on SCS


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