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Apr 25, 2007

Celebrating With Some Blog Candy

May Arts 3/8 inch ribbon
Making Memories ribbon
Prima Essential Flowers
Bright and cheery Prima fowers

WOW, I just checked my blog stats and I have reached 100,000 hits. I think I need to celebrate! What better way to do that, than to give away some BLOG CANDY!

I thought long and hard about what I should give for my blog candy (just kidding) and then it came to me... RIBBON AND PRIMA FLOWERS of course! Duh! What else would it be? LOL

Here is what you need to do to be entered to win:

post a comment on this blog post that answers one or more of these questions:

  • why you love ribbon

  • why you love Prima flowers

  • what you do with your ribbon and flowers

  • how you store your ribbon and flowers

  • how much ribbon and/or flowers you have

I think it will be hilarious to read your responses and I look forward to delving into your deepest, darkest ribbon and flower habits. :)

Winners will be chosen based on their responses to the questions above. :) To be eligible to win, please post by the last day of April. Winners will be chosen on the 1st day of May. Multiple winners will be chosen to win either ribbon, Prima flowers or a combination of the two.

Thanks to everyone who reads my blog! :)

Prizes are pictured above


  1. Woo Hoo, I think I'm the first one to respond!!

    Here's my answers:
    why you love ribbon: I think it's the easiest bellie to use on a card, scrapbook page or 3D item. Depending on the ribbon you select, you can change the whole look of your project.

    why you love Prima flowers: Who doesn't love flowers?? With such a large selection, you're sure to find a favorite! Adds dimension.

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers: Basically Hoard them!

    how you store your ribbon and flowers: Flowers are stored in mason jars and sorted according to color. Ribbon is stored in the Cropper Hopper drawers, although I'm thining of using clothespins and big glass jars from Ikea- I just love the way my Primas look on top of my desk!

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have: Do you honestly expect me to answer this??? How about "Never Enough???"

  2. why you love ribbon ~ Because its so pretty and colorful and soft, and well, its ribbon!!

    why you love Prima flowers~ I'm a newbie to Primas, but they're just so stinkin' cute!

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers~ right now I'm hoarding my Primas..I use my ribbon faithfully though.

    how you store your ribbon and flowers ~ my ribbon is stored in some SU ribbon keepers and Longaberger canning jars. I keep my Primas in a Longaberger basket close to my table.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have ~ not nearly enough, I need way more!! :)

  3. I don't know if I want to think about the answers to these questions, but . . . I love ribbon and Primas because they come in so many delicious colors! I can't resist either. I keep swearing to myself that I won't buy anymore, then . . . I go into a store and I see all those ribbons with their wonderful colors and patterns, and I think . . . I have to have it! Before I know it, I'm at the checkout lane with my shopping basket filled with ribbon. Then I bring it home and stare at it. Luckily, the primas aren't as readily available in my area, or I would have every single color, size and shape!

  4. Wow! what yummy candy!
    I love ribbon because it's pretty inexpensive but can add so much to a project.
    I love primas because it's a quick way to add dimension and some cuteness to a card or page.
    The last Q: I have to agree with other posters- never enough ribbon or primas!!

  5. 1. Why you love ribbon...

    Because it is affordable, plentiful and can establish a whole color scheme for a card ( thinking!).

    2. Why you love Prima flowers...

    Because they are dramatic (in some cases), come in a billion colors and add that little something when you are just about done that card!

    3. What you do with your ribbon and flowers...

    Cards, cards, cards!

    4. How you store your ribbon and flowers. Baskets (I am lazy!)...I have to reorganize BIG TIME!

    5. How much ribbon and/or flowers you have...

    Quite a number...not as many primas as I would like but I have substituted with silk flowers. Ribbon I seem to pick up all the time (esp. when a sale is on!)...

  6. why you love ribbon: It always makes everything prettier!

    why you love Prima flowers: Flowers make the world go 'round!

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers: look lovingly at all the beautiful colors!

    how you store your ribbon and flowers: Ribbon - Cropper Hopper box, wrapped around cards and in small plastic square cases. Flowers - you know ;) (Mason jars).

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have: DH would say too much but I have it carefully hidden so he doesn't know exactly how much, LOL!

  7. Do I really have to justify my loves to you? Geesh!!! LOL

    1. I love ribbon because it is pretty... so many pretty colours and patterns... pretty pretty pretty

    2. I love Primas because they are pretty... so many pretty colours... pretty pretty pretty

    3. I like to stare at my ribbons and primas and when I feel inspired I take them out to play when I am card making and paper crafting. Sometimes I am even generous and share with friends

    4. My flowers are mostly in the containers they came in. The pretty pretty pretty daisies from a share I was in are all in a big mason jar. I have my ribbon share ribbons plus anything that isn't on a spool on the Cropper Hopper cards in the 3X3 embellishment drawer. Scraps are in a big vase. Anything on a spool is put on the dowel on my wall.

    5. Well, according to my husband and my non ribbon/flower loving friends, I have too much ribbon and too many flowers. But to me, there is always room for more!

  8. I just received my first ribbon share, so this is very timely. I love ribbon and flowers because they are both so versatile and can be used on both cards and layouts with relative ease. They are a great embellishment to add a bit of color and suit everything - they can be elegant, cute, shabby and everything in between.

    I store both my flowers (other than bottles of primas) and ribbon by color in the appropriate color drawer (I sort all embellishments by color and LOVE it). The ribbon is wound around floss cards first - I like the neatness of this method, but don't like the kinks. I must admit I am very excited about a mini ribbon iron.

    I have quite a bit of both ribbon - even more now :o) - and flowers, but not as much as most of you probably do. I like a wide variety of ribbon, so I generally buy it in bulk or on sale. I must admit that I am going to be hooked on the ribbon shares though!

  9. Wow-great candy and congrats on 100K!

    * why you love ribbon >> I love ribbon because it makes anything so much prettier! Looking at it just makes me happy...

    * why you love Prima flowers >> They come in so many different colors and sizes -- it never hurts to add one to a card

    * what you do with your ribbon and flowers >> I really like looking at them more than using them! I smell them too! :)

    * how you store your ribbon and flowers >> The share I received from you are sitting in a basket. I just ordered some Cropper Hopper drawers to hold them!

    * how much ribbon and/or flowers you have >> Not too much as I'm only starting.. I love variety and getting tastes of new things so I will really be excited to see your upcoming ribbon and flower shares!! :)

  10. I have yet to work with Prima flowers (haven't gotten any yet!) but I love to work with ribbon! It is a great accent for just about any project! I tie it around just anything that will sit long enough for me to wrap it around it! LOL! I have quite a few rolls of ribbon, honestly I have no idea how much! I buy it most of the time "just because"! It's like shoes right - it has to be the right ribbon to go with the right project and you have to have it when you need it too! I store most of my regular ribbon in a rubber maid drawer for now (I've been checking out SCS for ideas on how to store it differently/creatively!) I do have my SU ribbon in a small basket! I love the colors of it all. I get inspiration for some of my cards just by looking at the ribbon colors! Thanks for always sharing your ideas too! I love to read your blog! Take care, Michelle SCS Chiefs Crafty Chik

  11. 1. Why you love ribbon: I love ribbon, because it is the prettiest & easiest embellishment to add to a card or scrapbook page. Just tie a ribbon on, and voila!

    2. Why you love Prima flowers:
    I love Prima flowers, because they are the 2nd easiest embellishment to add to a card or scrapbook page. Plus they are pretty to just look at on my shelves!

    3. What you do with your ribbon and flowers: I add them to my cards and scrapbook pages, but I most just put them in containers on my shelves so that I can stare at them.

    4. How you store your ribbon and flowers: I put them in Ikea glass containers, which I then put on my Ikea shelves, which are over my Ikea stamping/scrapping table.

    5. How much ribbon and/or flowers you have: Oh man! Too many to even know! Although, in my mind, I never have enough!

  12. Ribbon and why do I love it well. it is just so darn pretty and the cards look fabolous when you add a touch of for prima's they are just so cute and add just the right spice of life to a ribbon is stored in jars and small clear plastic container and on a rack over the back of closet door, and in the ribbon holders from stamping up, and some is laying of a shelf waiting for me to decide to use it or put it away and some is still in the box that I got yersterday from this site...need I go for how much Ribbon do I actually own.....well I live in Manitoba Canada and I am sure that if I put all of my ribbon together and laid it straight out, I would probably be at Jody's home....I am a horder and find it hard to use my ribbon cause I may not get the same kind again...I know silly prima's are stored in small jars that I got at the Dollarama Store...I think that they were spice jars and they were 3/1.00 so anywho I have all my flowers in them and they are on a shelf in front of me so that I can see them, the colors in each of the jars have inspired me many times this past month to create cards with pizzaz.....thanks Jody for doing this for us each and every month....I truly appreciate it, I could not afford to buy myself all of these little extra's if in fact I was having to do it at my LSS......HEY when are you starting the Lingerie Party......"wink" Alanna

  13. why you love ribbon
    What's not to love? Color, texture, insta 'wow' factor... Hallmark doesn't put ribbon on cards...

    why you love Prima flowers
    I, sadly, have never had the pleasure of using Primas... I can't find them locally, believe it or not! I love the life they bring to cards...

    what you do with your ribbon
    I'm a hoarder... when I can bear to part with it, I'll totally skimp and glue it to the front of the layer, but not wrap it around the back where no-one can see it anyway!

    how you store your ribbon
    I started out in those translucent drawer thingies, overflowed into a bunch of baskets, now the newest rolls pretty much live in whatever Michael's, Joann's or AC Moore's bag they made the trip home in. I have an elaborate ribbon location map that I keep in my head. It's positively dismal!

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have
    I was on a ribbon buying moratorium for a couple of years, having promised my husband that I'd use everything I have before buying any more. THEN I joined SCS, and the spending freeze went right out the window... I now probably have 100 rolls of different ribbon. I have ZERO primas though, so that balances me out a bit!

  14. Hi Jody, Awesome blog candy !!

    Here are my answers:

    why you love ribbon -- it's pretty and makes a card look gawjus :)

    why you love Prima flowers -- they're very pretty sitting in their jars -- do I have to use them?

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers -- look at them and use them a little :)

    how you store your ribbon and flowers -- Prima's in their jars and ribbons on cardboard spools that I made from priority boxes

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have -- not enough :)


  15. Congratulations! I like ribbon because is inexpensive and "easy" to put in a card. I also like to use it in scrapbooking. I didn't quite like Primas (didn't know what to do with them) until I got a share from this site. Now I like the 3-D look of my cards. I store my ribbon and primas in Sterilite CD containers. I made my own ribbon holders using very light chipboard (from SU! scrappin' kits) and a 1/2 inch circle punch. Hope I win! Sandra Lew-Moll

  16. I guess I love ribbon and Prima flowers just cos I love them and mainly just like to have a stash of them to look at!

    I love ribbon mainly to finish off a card - funny thing though, even though I have lots, have never the right colour when I want it LOL.

    My ribbons are just all in a jumble in a drawer as I have not yet figured out a great way to store them.

    I love love love the flowers -flower stamps are also my favourite! I find it hard to make a scrapbook page without using flowers!!

    My flowers are stored in a drawer too sadly - I would love to have them on display but I have bright light in my stamping area and dont want to fade them - they are treasures!

  17. 1. why you love ribbon - Because it comes in so many patterns, colors and textures and is an inexpensive way to give a card that extra little touch and kick it up a notch!

    2. why you love Prima flowers - They are just too gorgeous to resist! So many colors that will go with any color scheme at all!

    3. what you do with your ribbon and flowers - Do with them? Besides hoard them away? I add them to special projects, for special people. Someday I hope to be able to use them more freely, but that's going to take some more therapy, I think.

    4. how you store your ribbon and flowers - I have my ribbon on rolls in a shelf that hangs on my closet door in my craft room. It's one of those shelves that's meant for holding canned goods in a pantry but since I don't have a pantry, it holds ribbon.

    5. how much ribbon and/or flowers you have - Ribbon - a fair amount, but there's always room for more! Flowers - not too many. They are hard to find around here and a little pricey, but I do have a couple of bottles of Primas. The local scrapbook store doesn't have any of the new ones yet.

  18. Ohh what great blog candy..

    why you love ribbon: I love ribbon because it just adds so much to a card. It can really just pull everything together...

    why you love Prima flowers: I've not found them as easy to use as the ribbon, although I do have a few bottles... maybe I just don't have the right ones and I need more:)

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers: I hoard them and look at them on my shelf and they look so pretty!

    how you store your ribbon and flowers: Ribbons are stored bundled in big plastic bags by color family. Flowers are in the bottles they came in. I've started to wind my ribbons on bobbins but haven't gotten very far..

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have. I've got three bottles of primas and ribbon from most of the shares you've done...

    Thanks so much for organizing your ribbon shares.. My shelves would be empty without you!


  19. what fun! I love my primas and ribbon because they really brighten up my crafting space - all those yummy colors and textures make great 3-D art and decor! Oh, wait, you mean they're not just for putting on display??? LOL. Actually, I think my love of primas and ribbon is inate to being a girly girl - they are both very feminine accents, like the hair accessories or jewelry we wear, but on cards and scrapbook pages! As for how much ribbon and primas I have, well, I would venture to say it's probably less than you have! But I'm hoping one of these days I'll be able to afford one of your big ribbon shares so I can start catching up.

  20. Great candy Jody! I store most of my ribbon (all but the little scraps) on my own spools. I love Bobbin Ribbon that you can buy at Michaels and noticed that the little bobbins fit in an embroidery floss holder. I dont' have a ton of ribbon so I bought a bunch of the boxes (on sale for $1.50) and my husband made some bobbins for me out of some dowels. Very cheap and effective for the type of space we have. I like it a lot.

  21. Hey there,
    I love ribbon because it is THE easiest way to add demension, texture and color to anything! I love to look at Primas, haven't gotten my hands on any yet but hoping today is my lucky day. I store my ribbon in an old CD storage box which has slide out drawers that are the perfect size. My collection of ribbon is way too large and my collection of flowers too small. Please help me balance this out!
    Thanks to you for all the inspiration. Love you blog and try to go there every day.

  22. Ribbon is a nice touch to the cards I make and the prima's just do something to put the card over the top especially when you layer them. I have my ribbon stored on some spool type things i found at hobby lobby and my Prima's are stored in baggies according to color. What girl doesn't like ribbon and flowers. Thanks jody for all your shares I couldnt have done it without you

  23. I love ribbon 'cause its the best way to add texture and dimension to a card! I currently just look at my prima's (they're too lovely to use on just anything!. I made a coaster box to house my prima's and my hubby made me a ribbon rack (which is overflowing) so I'm looking at another way to store it. I'm thinking of a cube with dowelling to stop the ribbon rolls from falling out...

  24. Awesome candy!

    why you love ribbon: it's so easy to dress up a card or even make it casual! and not just cards but anything!

    why you love Prima flowers- they are so cute! So many sizes and colors and again- they can change the look of a card

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers- try not to hoard them!

    how you store your ribbon and flowers- my ribbon is cut into yards and then stored on floss bobbins and in a "floss caddy"

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have- ummmm, tooooooo much!

  25. Why do I love ribbon and primas? To hoard of course!

  26. Let's just say I've got my share of ribbon. Apparently, I like to shop for and collect ribbon, but I rarely use it. I get all these cool patterns that don't go with any of the cardstock or patterned paper that I own, so it just sits on my desk and looks so pretty! As for primas - I don't have any yet. I'm sure if I started, it would be an obsession! They are so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway!
    Cheryl KVD

  27. why I love ribbon

    I love ribbon, let me count the ways
    1. So many colors and patterns and textures allow for choices to display your mood.
    2. Easy to use and many widths, you can make cards for all kinds of dudes!
    3. Organdy, gingham, velvet, and twill choose a different one each day.
    4. Join a ribbon share, buy some from Michaels, let me just state if I may,
    5. I'm addict what can I say!

  28. why you love ribbon: it's a great dimensional piece on anything (cards, boxes, tins)

    why you love Prima flowers: colors colors colors!!!

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers: stick 'em on cards (the ribbon makes cute "stems" for the flowers"

    how you store your ribbon and flowers: I don't know - help!!

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have: not much (hint hint!)

  29. why you love ribbon - I love Ribbon because it adds color and texture to my cards. I also think I have a deep down love for ribbon from the days my mom would tie up my pony tail with beautiful, cute, and spirited ribbons in my hair when I was in grade school.

    why you love Prima flowers- I am a huge flower fan. Especially of flowers that are simple yet elegant and I think Primas are just that. I can't seem to get enough primas yet I have trouble sharing them with others sometimes. You have to be special to get a prima flowered card from me :-D.

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers

    I use ribbon and flowers to decorate anything and everything, but mainly cards. The strangest thing I have added ribbon to is water bottle and all of my luggage. I like to be known as the gal with the prettiest ribbons on all of her stuff.

    how you store your ribbon and flowers

    I store my ribbon on a board that allows me to hook in many rows of hooks and hangers. I store the ribbons by theme and colors on this board. My flowers are stored for now in my embellishment cart.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have

    I have a ton of ribbon. Especially pink ribbon, I can't help it I love pink. I also love stripped, polka dotted, and flowered ribbon. I haven't met many ribbons that I do not like.

  30. I don't have enough ribbon. Does anyone?

  31. Why ribbon? Because the colors and varieties are endless and every time I see a new one it calls my name.

    Why Primas? Because everyone in blog and SCS land have shown me how special they can make a project.

    My ribbon is stored in a wire over the door pantry thing.

    My lonely jar of Primas is in a spot on a shelf waiting for others of it's kind to come play.

    Do I have enough? I thought so until I joined some of your ribbon shares and that opened me to a whole new world of ribbon and now I want more! I do try and use it although the first cut is difficult. LOL!

  32. why you love ribbon - its just so girly. reminds me of how happiness can exist in the simple things in life. what's the harm in a little ribbon? you gotta love it.

    why you love Prima flowers - the packaging is beyond cute. the flowers are gorgoreous, but the packaging makes them an over the top spurge. they are just too cute to resist.

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers - SCRAPBOOK and cards. but occasionally i share with my four year old and she gets such joy from it (and so do i from her).

    how you store your ribbon and flowers - all different ways. ribbon storage zipper box with see through sides (sold at Michaels). i store flowers in small tin containers. i also use fishing tackle boxes from walmart (the one layer clear boxes). But there are always stragglers hanging out in my scrapbook supply bags. they just can't wait to be used.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have - a moderate amount (probably very little compared to you Jodi ;-). I always want more, but have to be reasonable in my spending. That's why I love crops becuase we trade all the time and help eachj other out. There are just too many choices out there. I want it ALL.

  33. That sure is some wonderful blog candy!

    I never really thought about why I love ribbon and prima flowers so much, but by the looks of my stash, I sure must love them! Ribbon comes in such a wonderful variety of colors and textures and patterns, and the addition of even a tiny piece to a project just makes the project POP! I guess I could say the same thing about prima flowers. I love all of the colors and the variety of flowers. They're just too pretty to pass up!

    As I often refer to myself as a collector, the biggest thing I do with my ribbons and flowers is look at them and think how pretty they are. Sometimes I even USE them on cards and other projects!

    Because I am mainly a collector, storage has become a BIG problem. I'm still working that one out! A tiny percentage of my ribbon is in the stampin up ribbon holders, and the rest of it is in bags. My flowers are in the containers they came in, and I leave them out where I can see them.

    I have WAY more ribbon than I do flowers. I'd say I have about 10 containers of flowers. If I had to take a wild guess on the ribbon, I'd say I have over 2000 yards of ribbon. Is that bad????

  34. I love ribbon because it is soooo versatile...I keep thinking I have enough colours and patterns that I could match any card I make, but I still find I need more!!

    I love primas because they are so pretty and feminine (and I need my feminine fix 'cause I'm the only female in my household)

    I store my ribbon in cropper hopper drawers (1 1/2" for smaller lengths and 3" for longer lengths). I also just got some SU ribbon holders for my full spools. I bought some pretty glass jars from the dollar store for my primas today...they look much nicer on display than shoved in my dark cupboard!

    I have lots and lots of ribbon and still need more (see answer #1!). I just started collecting primas (have about 4 packs of assorted kinds and sizes so far!)

    What do I do with it all? Well, I use a small percentage of it for my cards...and the rest...well, I love to look at it, and hoard it in case I might need it someday!

  35. Wow! Congratulations on your 100,000 hits. I love the dimension that Ribbon and Primas add to a project. It gives it that "finished, professional" look. Just can't get enough of either!

  36. I love ribbon because it comes in all colors and patterns that are fun to accessorize with in different ways on cards. I'm a real girly-girl and love flowers, so that's why I love Primas. Sometimes I do struggle with how to place them on cards. I store my ribbons in jars, drawers, baskets, baggies, empty checkbook boxes, Rubbermaid containers, you name it! I have no clue how much ribbon I have. More than 50 rolls and lots of scraps in jars! I have nine bottles of Primas. I know, I'm deprived!

  37. I store my ribbon in ribbon keepers and I store my flowers in the prima packages they come in. I have only gotten the primas that I ordered from you. I love them and am hoping to win some.

    Heather Stevens

  38. Wow! Congrats on reaching 100,000 hits. That is quuite an accomplishment! I store my ribbon spools on a multiple pants hanger and then they hang on a hanger behind the door of the craft room. My Primas are stored in glass jars and sit on the table, where they are supposed to inspire me to use them!

  39. Congrats on reaching another milestone!

    What is a card without ribbon and/or a Prima or two? They both add that little extra to make the completed card POP.

    I have too many Prima's to count and my ribbon is stored in eavestroughing that is attached to the inside of the doors of my craft room closet. The Prima's are stored on a shelf unit in glass jars (from the dollar store) and they look so pretty when displayed in the open like they are.

  40. I'm not sure exactly why I love ribbon, I just know I do. I think part of the appeal is that it is so easy to use and there are so many colors, types and sizes out there.
    I love Prima flowers because they're just so darn cute and add a quick little something-something to anything.
    If my ribbon is on a spool it goes in my SU ribbon holder. If it is loose, I put it in a little ziploc baggie and then in my ribbon drawer.
    I have A LOT of ribbon and yet am very stingy with using it! And I don't have enough Primas!

  41. I love the fun and flirty touch that ribbon gives to a card and I am now hopelessly addicted to your blog and ribbon shares!!!

  42. Wow congrats on your huge milestone!!
    I love ribbon because it is the easiest embellishment to use and it has unlimited varieties and styles.

    I love primas because they are so pretty, so much that I can't bear to put them on a

    I would get to work with them right away, I love love love embellishments!

    I keep all my primas in bottles that they came in out frappichino bottles on a shelf, my ribbon if on a roll is added to my wall of ribbon (ribbon Holder like a eaves troff but one from a closet organizer) if not on a roll I wrap it around a ribbon card and store in baskets,

    I have quite a bit of ribbon yet I always seem to be missing something..... Primas I have probably 5 bottles, not a very big collection yet but it is growing.

    Once again Congrats!

  43. why you love ribbon

    why you love Prima flowers - I love that they look so real

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers - I have been hording them. I just cant give them away!

    how you store your ribbon and flowers - I store my Ribbon on an Ikea roll of paper wodden thingy

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have - I have One jar of primas and about 20 ribbon roles :)

  44. I love ribbon because it makes me feel like a little kid when it was 10 cents a yard and I had enough to match each outfit . I store my ribbons in a Cropper HOpper PHoto case. see my blog for the photos.

    I dont want to know how much I have because I have a guilt problem. I will feel I am depriving someone of something if I think long enoug about it,

  45. I LOVE ribbon AND Primas. I have way too much ribbon. But every time I go to Michael's or Hobby Lobby I buy more. I store my riibon by colors in plastic shoeboxes on top of one of my cabinets. When I need a certain color ribbon, I go and grab that box and can just choose which one I want of that color. I used to store it all together in one big tote. I like it this way a lot better! As for primas- I have only just begun. So, these are in one of the drawers of an Iris cart. Mostly I use ribbon and flowers on my name frames, but on my cards and other projects too. I love them because of the beautiful colors and varieties that are now available. THink back 5 years....what a choice we now have! I would love to join a ribbon share so I am keeping my eyes peeled! Thanks for the Supah blog candy!

  46. Congrats on all your hits. Now on to answer your questions.

    why you love ribbon Hmmm. Why do I love ribbon? I love ribbon because it always seems to add just the right finishing touch to a card, a tag, or a scrapbook page. It adds that oh so pretty feminine touch. I love all the textures, colors, patterns, etc....I also think that they put something on it because I can hear it calling "pick me, buy me, love me". lol

    why you love Prima flowers. How can you not love Primas? They come in all sizes, shapes, colors and just looking at them makes you drool (warning: don't drool on them as it ruins them. lol)I also think that the Prima's just like ribbon talk to me because I can hear them calling "pick me, buy me, love me". lol

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers. I wouldn't dream of using them or parting with them, they are just too special to me...they just add "beauty" to my stamp room. lol I'm also a horder and hate to use my fav things but on rare occasion I will use them on cards, tags & my scrapbook pages.

    how you store your ribbon and flowers I store my flowers in clear glass containers as you have to be able to see them in order to understand them. My ribbon is another story as I have yet to come up with an organizational method that is worthy of it. But I do keep the small bits and pieces stored in a glass jar.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have Definately not enough. I feel so deprived when I see other peoples stashes.

  47. I LOVE ribbon, and you're fast becoming my main supplier!! LOL

    I love it because it's so easy to use, and adds such a lovely touch to cards and other projects. I've gotten so my projects look naked without ribbon! I'm not yet addicted to primas...although I think I could pretty easily.

    I still haven't figured out how to store the ribbon from your shares, but may have to follow Alex's tutorial to make little cards for it. Otherwise, I have the SU! ribbon holders.

    Thanks for the chance at this totally Sweet candy!! :-)

  48. why you love ribbon

    Ok follow along with me here! Ribbon is the card equivalent of shoes, and May Arts are Jimmy Choos and I am Carrie from Sex in the City - cash poor but my card closet is full of gorgeousness!

    why you love Prima flowers
    Flowers are the ultimate accessory for a card, mood lifter and general joy promoter! They add cheer, dimension, ah flowers are love.

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers

    After removing them from my person? I love to frame my stamped image with tiny flowers, and accent the corners with large flowers. I am really into using Distress ink and metals on the flowers these days - I have even put tiny stamp patterns on them.

    how you store your ribbon and flowers
    I am still new to the craft so do not have a lot of spools, my ribbon and flowers are mostly loose. I buy decorative jars and vases from the dollar store and fill them up with swirls of ribbon. It looks so pretty and inspiring on my desk.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have

    I order 3-5 yards of each kind from various eBay stores and Splitcoasters generally, and probably have 100 different kinds now. Wow I only had about 10 two months ago. Oops?

    I started out with the Itty Bitty Prima bag and am now up to specific styles and different textures, papers, silks, color schemes. Oh my. Lots! Man you are making me feel guilty!

  49. OK I have a pretty strange way to store ribbon...I tie long strips on regular angers. It works especially well for me since my craft area is a walk in closet, so I can just hang the hanger on the rod. It also keeps it from being creased or wrinkled (and I don't own an iron) and you can see all your pretty colors easily!

  50. why you love ribbon? There is so much you can do with it. And My last Ribbon share got here and my DD saw it she screamed... "Ribbon... mommie more ribbon." She is only 3 and I think she has my addiction as well.

    why you love Prima flowers? I just started using these cute little flowers and just can't get enough of these beauties. They just add the perfect accent to any card or scrapbook page.

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers? Lets see... cards and scrapbook pages just don't look the same without ribbon or primas on them. I even use some ribbon to make ribbon roses on a few of my cards.

    how you store your ribbon and flowers? My ribbon is in a basket behind glass due to the fact that my cats seem to have an addiction with ribbon too... So fr its protection it is behind a glass door in a beautiful basket.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have? I have a basket over flowing with ribbon and I have only a few small jars of primas... I just started collecting primas.

    Jodie... your blog and the shares you offer are awesome.

  51. Hi Jody -

    Wow, oh wow! What wonderful blog candy. Let's see how I can answer:

    Why I love ribbon, why not! It adds to everything. I like to find ways to add it to cards for men too!

    Prima flowers are absolutely great and add fun to cards.

    I tie lots of bows on my cards, and like to add ribbon in the layering. The flowers, I just like to hoard.

    I store my ribbon in plastic shoeboxes that my son drilled holes in, so I can just pull out what I need.

    I have three shoeboxes of ribbon, but only one little jar of primas, that is why I hoard them! I just can't bare to part with them. I am using some of them though on nugget purses I am doing for Mother's Day gifts at our church. The Sunday School hands them out to the moms after church that day.


  52. Why I love Ribbon: It can add so much to your card/lo with just a little bit. Or it can "MAKE" the card.

    Prima Flowers: I think they are great. I live over an hr from a chain store to buy them. So I have to deal with "Knock offs" but they do not have the same PUNCH of color.

    I use my ribbon on Cards and a few LO. I also make recipe cards in a Yahoo Swap Group. I use flowers on those and a cards.

    I store my Ribbon in covered Ribbon containers that I bought at Target at Christmas. They have slots to let the ribbon out and a cover to keep the dust off. Flowers (my few flowers) are in glass jars on the top of my desk from the Dollar General. Glass is the best because they are pretty and you can see what you got.

    I have a bunch of ribbon. Sometimes I just can't "part" with it but then I get over it and say, you can always buy more. I seem to never leave a place without getting something. ALWAYS looking in the discount bin. My DD LOVE ribbon too!
    Flowers? Not much just a bit NEED MORE. LOL

  53. K, I know you will probably not believe me, but I don't have any primas in my house. I just haven't got on that bandwagon yet. Ribbon on the other hand...I pick it here and there and I have gotten some in the Wish-Rak forum. I have it all rolled by color in a bin I got from Target. I love using it as little flags on the top of my main image. Thanks for offering the blog candy, Jodi. I love your work. I recently joined the Fan Club and was happy to see so much more of your stuff. In the words of Tony the Tiger..."You're Greeeeat!"

  54. Here are my answers.....

    why you love ribbon: because now thanks to you I AM ADDICTED, I can't explain it I just love it, it is sooooo pretty and so much fun to get more and more in the mail.

    why you love Prima flowers: like ribbon these flowers are not only pretty but you can use them just about anywhere.

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers: I put it all in jars and look at it.....didn't I tell you all how pretty they were...seriously I like to use both on my cards....I try to use a least one ribbon and or prima somewhere on my card(s) signature??? so to speak

    how you store your ribbon and flowers: ribbon right now is stored in boxes from Michaels but to be honest I need a new system this one is just not working, I am organizing my stamp space so you can expect to see some great storage ideas for everything. Prima are in jars so I can see them right on my desk.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers do you have: put it this way I could make a card everyday for a year using ribbon and primas and I would still have an enourmous amount of both left....did I mention I too am addicted!!!! LOL

    I hope I win cause that ribbon and those primas are soooo PRETTY!!! LOL

  55. why you love ribbon

    why you love Prima flowers...I love the shapes, colors, polka dots, I love to have them to look at. I am not a huge fan of real flowers but I love my PRIMAS! You don't have to water them, and they still look gorgeous!!!

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers...I have them in pretty little glass containers sitting on my desk! The colors bring inspiration and I hoard a few --- use a few!

    how you store your ribbon and flowers - I store them in huge glass containers from Target or Hobby lobby.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have - enough to give each of your readers a roll of ribbon or a package of flowers....LOL! Not that much, but close! But there are so many different KINDS! Short ones, fat ones, skinny ones, stitched ones, dotted ones...Ya Know! Lisa K

  56. I love ribbon, it is an easy way to add a great touch to a project. I store them in one of the Crafter Lockers and in a LARGE drawer! And I must be the only one on earth that does not have Primas yet!! Thanks for a chance at these treats!
    Ilene B

  57. I love ribbon because it is so addicting. A card just doesn't seem finished without ribbon attatche.

    I love the prima's too but had gotten quite so addicted (yet) you know it's coming tho.

    My prima's are stored in some glass containers that I have decorated.
    My ribbong is stored in several different ribbone holder, wall hanging ribbon holders, boxes with the holes for the ribbong to stick out ect. ect. I have way too much ribbon ~ but I love it!!

    Congrats on all the hits, love your blog.

  58. I love ribbon....
    When I was a child, my mom handmade most of our clothes. She loved ribbon and especially rick rak. Seemed like almost every piece of my clothes had rick rak on it. So now when I use rick rak on my cards it makes me think of my mom.

  59. Those bright & cheery Primas are gorgeous!!! I just love having pretty things around me. I recently bought a couple of white shelves for the walls in my stamping room and I have all my primas lined up so I can see them and be inspired. I also got all my ribbon out of a drawer and due to a lack of anything better, put them all on an old carbon arrow of my husbands (without the broadhead of course!), put in 2 big nails and suspended the arrow so that I can now view all my ribbon! It helps so much to see it and be inspired by the colors and textures. I love to have beautiful things around! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  60. I love Ribbons because 1) You made me addicted to it and 2) I love to accent cards & projects with it. I love Primas for the same reasons! I use ribbon on the spiral bindings, handles, trim on cans, cards. Prismas, I have run through the cuttlebug for texture, used a pencil eraser to put POLKA-DOTS (which I love)on the petals. Thought about using as pasties for my DH. LOL I store my ribbon in a large wire rack that is getting really full. I usually take chipboard & put coordinating colors on it. I also have about 10 of eac size of SU ribbon holders that are full. I have a boatload but can't resist I want more. Thanks for all the enabling!

  61. Why I love Ribbon? Its so quick and versatile, it doesn't require hammering, it always adds a special zing whether you tie it or stample it or just lay it across a card. I have several places that I store them, I've found that if I leave them together they tend to multipy like rabbits. Shame on them (and the crafts stores for having them on sale). Primas..ohhh, I'm from a family that all our names are when I first saw these I was in love; enough said. I have a spice rack that my grandfather gave me as a wedding gift that house these babies gently in their bottles. I take them out, admire them and every once in a great while, I use them.

  62. * why I love ribbon
    I grew up the only girl in my family and now I'm the only female in my family. (Can you say testosterone?) So anything feminine and frilly gets my vote!

    * why I love Prima flowers?
    Same as above. BTW, who wouldn't love these gorgeous paper gems?

    * what I do with my ribbon and flowers? Mostly just stare and drool (LOL) I love adding special touches of ribbon to cards and sb layouts. There's rarely a card that doesn't get hit with a foot of ribbon.

    * how I store my ribbon?
    In an Iris cart wrapped around homemade cardboard squares with punched out notches.
    * and flowers? In a Prima glass jar and a baggie (don't have many)

    * how much ribbon and/or flowers you have? I'll plead the 5th on that one.

  63. Hmmmm....why do I love ribbon and Primas's? I'm a girl...that's why! I've loved ribbon and flowers since I was little and wore them in my hair. I love how both ribbons and primas accent other peoples cards, for the most part my ribbons and primas accent my stamp room beautifully as I am a hoarder of the worst variety. I'm like Monk, I'll buy back up ribbon for the same ribbon I have so I can get myself to start using it (same with the Primas). :-) I just recently did a Prima share with you and I'm in heaven but as for storage at this point, I have no clue what to do. I'll be reading what everyone else does to get ideas. My ribbon is organized in drawers and in the SU ribbon storage (although the craft lockers are looking pretty attractive too).

    Linda (LSN on SCS)

  64. Well I'm sure you have more ribbon than anyone I known especially me. I just started my love affair with ribbon and have about 200 different ribbons. Of course it's not enough. I've been ribbon shopping like crazy. It's funny - I buy one for me and my friend has me pick up one for her (enabler. She's hooked! Ribbon just makes a card or layout page pop. My DH build me wood shelves to hold my ribbon and I'm out of room. I really don't have all the colors and could always use more. I haven't gotten into the flowers - I have such a hard time placing them and don't know what really to do with them. I just found your site a couple of weeks agos and have been really enjoying it. Thanks so much. Dottie

  65. Wow! It's interesting to read about how many of us are hoarders of ribbon & Primas! If those companies ever read this blog they'll be jumping for joy!
    Why I love ribbon: No card seems complete without it
    Why I love Primas: Makes a 'blah' card really come to life (& did you notice how you can cover mistakes with them?)
    What I do with my ribbon & flowers: Put them in glass jars on the shelves above my desk, of course! Amazing how many of us love to look at them. It's like having flowers all year round - brightens every day.
    How I store my ribbons & flowers: Ribbon is on rolls in clear drawers under my desk where I can reach it easily & on one shelf above where I can see what I have there (reorganized recently & love not having to dig); Primas in glass jars on easily reached shelf - helps me in my determination to use them & not hoard them!
    How many ribbon & Primas do I have?: Compared to other stampers, hardly any. But, I'm slowly building up the stash by joining ribbon & Prima shares. I really wouldn't know how to answer that one.

  66. Ribbon... oh how I love ribbon... I created my SU cardstock key ring not for paper samples.. but for ribbon matching ribbon. I used to store my ribbon on dowels (actually bamboo garden stakes). But I have recently begun punching holes in whatever boxes I can find and threading my ribbon through those. I have 3 photo boxes with both sides punched (several rows) and an extra large ziplock bag overflowing with ribbon. I can't get enough. But I also love to use it.. that is my dilemma. So I just keep buying more.

  67. Well, I would say I have some ribbon and only a few flowers. i store my rolls of ribbon in a desk drawer and my flowers in the drawer of one of those stand up plastic carts. I NEED flowers because I have just gotten into using them. I even put them on my Mother's day wish list. Brooke is only going to be a year old so I hope my husband sees my list too. :)

  68. Why do I love ribbon: Well, to me ribbon completely pulls together the item you are making, it is like the icing on a cake, like the bread on a PB and J sandwich, like the...well, you get the

    As for Why do I like primas, what is not to like, they are high quality, they really class things up, they are like the cherry on top of your sundae, LOL, can you tell I am on a diet?

  69. I love ribbon and primas because I love the dimensionality they provide to papercrafts. I think they're sensual when combined with the smoothness of paper. (please don't analyze that response!)

    And what do I *do* with them? Why, hoard them of course!! Seriously, though, I am making a conscious effort to use my pretties. Besides, it would be really helpful if I could actually see the floor in my craft pit again (which is currently full of waaaaaay too much stuff!) At this point, my supplies are stored in copy paper paper boxes (but they're all labelled!) - my goal is to get my space well organized by the end of the year, and I'll definitely be purchasing some nice storage boxes and drawers as part of that project.

    And lastly, how much do I have? I refuse to answer on the off-chance that my husband might be reading this :) But it *mostly* fits in one box!!

  70. i have a drawer full of ribbon and i mean a drawer FULL. I can't seem to stop buying ribbon. I store them as they come on a roll, or make my own.

    I amjust learning to use Primas and so they are stored in the containers they come is and are lined up on a very springy, even in winter.

    There's nothing more lovely that a card with ribbon that sets off the whole concept...and not just a time ribbon accent..I like the larger pieces.

    Susan Hatch

  71. Ribbon and Primas...that's an easy one. I use them because it gives my cards and other projects that WOW factor it needs. I have tons of ribbon but only a few primas. I store the ribbon in the SU ribbon keepers for the most part and the rest are just laying around, not very organized I know,lol.

  72. Hi Jody,

    Congrats on 100,000 hits - it is well deserved! To answer your question, I love both ribbon and prima flowers because they add a little something special to any card or project. I store my ribbon in jars, in the Stampin Up ribbon holders, in a couple boxes - basically, wherever I can find room (clearly I have too much ribbon). The primas are stored in their jars, because they're just so pretty!

  73. Ribbon and Flowers are so yummy and add that special something to a card. Right now primas have been my new obsession, and I hoard them! I have several jars of them, some tins of the larger flowers, and two big bags of mixed flowers. I use them on card and to decorate frames and they look so pretty in the glass jars lined up on my crafting table! I want to get my ribbons into jars too so I can admire their pretty colors. Congratulations on hitting 10,000!

  74. Q. why you love ribbon
    A. Seriously...who doesn't??? Ribbon makes me so happy! I love very colorful ribbon and mainly grosgain, but I am not picky!!! I love the fold it over and angle the edges (it lookes kinda like a flag) and staple it to my cards or scrapbook pages. It just gives it dimension!!

    Q. why you love Prima flowers?
    A. I love flowers to begin with, but the Prima flowers are awesome to layer!!

    Q. what you do with your ribbon and flowers?
    A. I use ribbon as the stem and the flower as the flower. I LOVE both of them that I have to remind myself not be greedy and to use it whenever possible! (I keep it in the drawer thinking I will save it for soemthing

    Q. how you store your ribbon and flowers?
    A. I usually keep them in the cases they came in (super cute packages) and then they go into the "SPECIAL Drawer" of armoire.

    Q. how much ribbon and/or flowers you have?
    A. OMG I can't say because if my husband sees he will freak out! LOL!!

  75. why you love ribbon: Because I can use it with just about all of my crafts! I can decorate just about anything using it...

    why you love Prima flowers: Prima flowers are great! They come in so many shapes and sizes..
    what you do with your ribbon and flowers: Welllll, I decorate my poodle with them! haha JK... I've been known to help make a hawaiian flavored hair clip with them.. I use them on my paper crafts mostly...

    how you store your ribbon and flowers.. I just rewound all my ribbon onto cards... It saves so much room!! When I did it I got rid of at least 1 huge garbage bag of cardboard rolls--yikes!!

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have: Ummmm, way too much. I started hoarding ribbon about 10 years ago while working in a fabric store.. Its insane and out of control!! Sometimes I wonder what it would look like if I unwound all of it and put it in a pile on the floor!

  76. I am a ribbon person --- it just seems to add to much to a card! I've not really developed a prima addiction ...yet!

    Congrat on the success of your blog!

  77. Q:Why you love ribbon? A:It's a simple way to add another wonderful colourful element to an already fabulous card!

    Q:Why you love Prima flowers? A:They are so fun to add to scrabook pages, or use in a paper crafting project like a name frame. They are another simple way to add to your project!

    Q:What you do with your ribbon and flowers? A:I use mine on cards, scrap pages, name frames and my daughter uses them too in her projects!!

    Q:How you store your ribbon and flowers? A:For my ribbon, I've got 4 cropper hopper 3x3 storage containers, and for my flowers, I acctually use that tin from the punch box set sold in one of the Stampin up minis a few years back. It's perfect, it's got a clear lid, so I can peek without opening!!

    Q:How much ribbon and/or flowers you have? A:Way too many thanks to you ;) Thanks!! Seriously, thanks :) I'm set for life, well, at least for the next 5 yrs!

    Thanks for taking the time to do your blog, I love reading about all you post!! Glad you had fun on your little getaway, you sure looked like you were enjoying yourself!!

  78. Oh no! I can't tell my secrets of how much ribbon I have. Let's just say, I could have my own store! I love ribbon, I must have ribbon. Ribbon, Ribbon, Ribbon!!! I'm just getting started on Primas. Only have a few, but definantly think I need to invest in more more more!! Love your ribbon shares and can't wait to get in on a prima share!

  79. Oh this sounds like fun....ok here we go

    #1: why i love ribbon...i love all the differnt colors, and textures.. ribbon is that extra something that can make anything....trun from " Oh that's cute" to "WOW that is awesome"

    #2 Why i love PRIMAS... yeah ok... they are like the GODIVA in the Craft World...they are to die of all.. they dont die, and you dont have to water them... LOL... then when you combine ribbon and primas...forget it, it is better then.... use your imagination ladies....

    PRIMAS are plain AWESOME!!!and there is nothing like a PRIMA

    #3... i can tell you what i would love to do....send my husband and son out for the night... take a relaxing bubble bath and cover my whole bathroom in primas... No honetly i use them on everything i, altered projects, my hair( yes i really do)

    #4 i am not the best at storing stuff since i have way too much and not alot of room... my ribbons are in a box and my primas are in a huge glass bowl..( i actually want to switch them to one of those really big glass jars they use to put pasta in...since i dont cook i might as well put it to some good use

    and finally #5... how much do i have.... Enough that my darling husband was so mean that he went in my wallet and took away ALL MY CREDIT CARDS... but he shouldnt
    under estimate the power of a WOMAN,especially one who is a CRAFTER... the funny thing is he thinks that will stop me....

    Have a great day, keep up the great work!
    and i cant not wait for the info on the next share!!!!!

  80. mmmmmm, I love ribbon because it just finishes the card with that extra touch.

    I love Prima flowers from everything that I've seen on all the blogs.

    I hord my ribbon, of course. I even took home all the ribbons from a bridal shower that they used to wrap the gifts for the guests. Tons of FREE ribbon! Yippee!

    I have all the SU colors in a storage box and only a fraction of prima flowers from a share i bought in the envelope it was mailed to me in.

  81. OK i am new here - tempted by blog candy :)

    I love ribbon coz its pritty, touchy feely and it adds dimension to your creations

    I love primas as they are pritty, drool wipes off pritty good when I get them out to play :) I have two boys and I break away from boyishnesh to utter girlyness

    What I do - well have you seen American Beauty and the rose petals? Yep! well nothing like that, I stick them onto my cards and creations

    My primas are all in their very beautiful packaging, ie glass jars and plastic containers, all lined up, calling to me! Ribbons are in coloured boxes

    How much do I have : sadly not enough! you are so lucky over in the USA where everything is cheaper, bigger and better. I have fair amount of primas, but my ribbon stash is sad and I mean sad in the english sence, not like miserable, although I am sure it is!! LOL need more friends for it :)

    Hope my english witt wins through!


  82. Fun idea for your blog:) started as a facination as a child. Evolved when my little girl was 2yrs. & her hair was long enough to put in pigtails. Now it's used for wrapping gifts & embellishing practically all of my cards. Looking at the array of colors, sizes & patterns of the ribbon rack at Michaels is like a child looking at the display of chocolates in a candy store. YUMMY!

    Primas...Eye candy, rainbow of color, shapes, sizes. Oh my! My garden of Primas. Look, but don't touch!

    Ribbon & Primas...combination made in heaven.

  83. Jody,
    I think I have been a ribbon horder forever. Remember back in the day we would weave ribbon onto hair clips. I think thats where it all began. Sometimes I will walk in to a really fun gift shop and the only thing I will buy is a couple of yards of ribbon. It's not a very expensive habit when it's a little at a time right??

    I like to add ribbon to my cards, Scrapbook pages, books, jars that need a little something, even my cupboard doors have a favorite or two tied on them just because they make me feel happy looking at them. I do have a hard time parting with them even for my favorite projects.
    On the other hand I really need to step up and work on my flower collection I have very precious few. I love to add ink to the edges of them I really makes them look tike they were ment to be when you add them to a project.

    I hope to buy ribbon really soon.
    Love Brooke

  84. What fun candy! I am a ribbon lover I love all the colours and differnt styles you can buy. I use ribbon on my cards almost always, tye it around, make a bow and glue it on, I have even used it to make a stem for a flower. I also use it doing my other crafts. I currently have about 160 yards of ribbon and still buying.LOL I love primas as well but I live in a very small town, we have no craft store, so I currently don't own any.(sigh) Thanks for the chance to win!

  85. What fun blog candy! I love reading your blog because I too am a ribbon addict. =D
    Let's get to your questions:

    I love ribbon because of the way it feels. I love sheer ribbon especially, but just wads of it feels so nice LOL

    I love Primas because they hide mistakes and look pretty!!

    I have my ribbon in a drawer...kind of all wadded up in there (YIKES!) but I do have some of those old timey clothespins with the round top to put them on one of these days.

    I keep my flowers out on my desk so I can see them! I really want to get some mason jars tho...

    Not enough!!!!!!!

  86. # why you love ribbon: it completes me (or at least my cards!).

    # why you love Prima flowers: what's not to love?! They are pretty paper flowers!

    # what you do with your ribbon and flowers: I adorn each and every card, scrapbook page or altered item that I make with ribbon and primas.

    # how you store your ribbon and flowers: my ribbon spools are stored on a wooden ribbon rack with dowels, my "Jody" ribbon is stored in cropper hopper drawers, my bits & pieces of ribbon are stored in a large vase, my SU specialty ribbon is stored in a tin. My flowers are stored in their pretty jars on a shelf right at eye level above my stamping table.

    # how much ribbon and/or flowers you have: Ribbon $500. Flowers $150. A happy stamper... priceless.

  87. Wow, what great blog candy, how can I resist entering this contest?! I love ribbon and primas but have only recently become a "collector" (& hoarder). I store my ribbon that comes on spools on a long dowel across my stamp table and the ribbon I get from you I wrap up on cut pieces of chipboard and put it in jars. Primas are also stored in one big jar - that is until I grow out of it. I would really love to add some of the bigger primas to my collection but haven't taken the plunge - yet! I use my ribbon and primas for card, journal, and altered item (mostly tins) adornments. I love the little something extra ribbon adds to everything. Thanks for all the great shares, I can't wait for the next one!
    Geny C.

  88. What great questions and what a great give-away. Let's see -why do i love ribbon? Because it always fits!! :-) And its fairly inexpensive and available in a wealth of colors, styles, materials, sizes, etc. You can't just have one (same reasoning behind why women need to own multiple pairs of black shoes, much to my husband's chagrin).

    Have a great day!!

    Beth (mommy to a busy 3 1/2 year old)

  89. congratulations on reaching 100,000!! i love ur blog.

    why do i love ribbon? i think they are the perfect embelishment... u can tie little ribbons for a subtle accent, big one, knots, lines, etc... and they usually give me color scheme ideas too.

    why do i love primas? bec i love it when the flowers *POP* out of the card at u... =)

    i use ribbon and primas for cards and for gift wrapping.

    i store my ribbon in a ribbon storing unit i got at target. i on ly have one little jar of primas that i keep in the jar that it came in...

    thanks for the blog candy!! =)

  90. * I love ribbon because it reminds me of being a little girl with LONG hair..I always wore it in piggy tails and I tied ribbon around I love using it on girly cards.

    * I love Primas because they ROCK...because I can stop making my own by stamping and cutting out flowers!

    * I lavish my ribbon and flowers with love...I also hoard them...Mine...all mine!

    *I store my ribbon in three SU ribbon holder sets, an old spice rack, and an extra plastic bin. Flowers are stored on top of the ribbon bin.

    *I have lots of plain ribbon..I want more though! and I only have one measly package of primas...

  91. I love ribbo because it can be fun to play with. It can turn a nice card into a wonderful card. I also love the texture it brings to cards.

    Prima flowers are just too cute! I love how adorable they are and they can almost be used with any card no matter what shape or size. They are a really fun embellishment.

    I try to use my primas and ribbons on cards but I found that I also seem to hoard my embellishments. I have SO much ribbon and I still try to use the least amount possible. Its horrble really.

    I have my ribbon on doll pins then stored in boxes by type and who I got the ribbon from. Right now I have two photo boxes filled with ribbon from you Jody. As for my Primas the prima share I got through you is stored in mason jars. The primas I have received for others are in their own photo box and the primas I ordered from another share are in their own photo box...plenty of photo boxes in my room.

    To be honest too much, but I must get more! Its definatly an addiction but I love all of the colors, sizes, textures. I think I have 5 photo boxes of ribbon and flowers plus 4 mason jars filled with flowers.

  92. Hello From Houston! Thanks for offering up some candy!

    I like ribbon and primas because they gives cards the little something they need and differentiates them from plain ol' hallmarks!

    I use up plain ribbon but hoarde the cuter ribbon. I use my primas when I can. (I haven't had them long)

    My primas are now in a baggie because my one year old dropped the glass bottle on the tile. It was my first and only bottle of primas.

    I would say that I don't have much compared to most crafters I know. I only have a few primas in fact.

    Have a great day!

  93. I love ribbon because it puts that special touch on any of my projects. Plus to see all the different ribbon colors and designs is so much fun.

    I love love love prima flowers. I love the colors and the variety. They are so pretty and they look great on cards and other projects.
    what you do with your ribbon and flowers
    I usually use them on cards. But I have used them on coaster boxes and other projects. Oh I also hoard them. (LOL)

    Right now my ribbon is in small baggies and I am looking for something to store them in. They are in a box.

    My primas are in little baggies in one of the metal tins that came with the tag punch box. So they are easy to get to.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have
    Not enough!! :)
    I have alot of ribbon.

    Primas I have some but not a whole lot.

    Thanks for offering the blog candy. I can't wait to see what prima flower shares you will have.

    Have a good day.
    Karen B

  94. Oh, this is gonna' be fun!
    - I love ribbon so much because it goes with so many cards and Prima Flowers
    - You're going to get htis right away... I love Prima flowers because they go with so many cards and ribbons.
    - I used to use them in my daughter's hair but now that she's 20 I "card"
    - It depends.... I have a tendency to change my method everytime I see a better way.. Right now I have a neat box with a lid that allows me to have tails of ribbon coming out over the box and under the lid, you don't see the spool, you do see the wonderful ribbon, and nothing gets dusty.
    - EASY! Not Enough!
    I'm Carol and I'm really new to papercrafts! It took one SU workshop with Debbie Olson and I was HOOKED!
    Thanks for the "chance!"

  95. Wow, what great blog candy...let me jump right to the answers..

    It reminds me of my childhood and ribbons in my hair

    I just love, love, love flowers, and prima's are great, plus my ds loves picking me flowers and they remind me of him

    I hoard them like mad, and try to use them on projects...but mostly hoard them.

    Ribbon in ribbon boxes, but I need to change this because I can't see them...I enjoy just looking at them color in iris carts, again I need to change this..once i get me scrap/stamp area set up..I will make this change..I want to just look at them all..

    Tons of ribbon, but not so many flowers...I def. need to add to my collection.

    Have a great...can't wait for the winners to be announced ....

  96. Why do I love ribbon? I love the colors, the textures I just love it just because.
    Why do I love Prima flowers...can we just say GAAAA's a girl thing!
    What do I do with them? I look at them, and point to them and say "see I have pretty ribbon & flowers".
    I have most of my ribbon in a large drawer, some on a dowel rod in the closet (took the rod down), and still more in jars. My flowers are stored in their original containers on a shelf in my room.
    How much do I have you say? Well just like my friends hubby said...with all the flowers she has he won't need to buy any when she dies...he'll just use those, mine agreed! And the ribbon...I'm going to hook all the cars together when I die, that way they won't get lost trying to find me!!!

  97. I love ribbon because who knew it came in so many shades and textures and sizes???!!! Love how every ribbon is completely different from the next one. I cannot do a card without ribbon it seems!
    The only Primas I have is from one of your shares. . .love them too! A flower on a card sometimes just adds the right accent. I prefer the smaller ones right now but am trying to muster up some courage to use the bigger ones. I store my Primas in the containers you sent, but I've seperated them by color family and I also use some glass jars to put them in. Love it!!

  98. hmmmmm...

    I like flowers b/c they are pretty...and come in such a wide array of colors...same thing can be said about ribbons too though.

    Primas are even more special...b/c I have never bought any...the only ones I have are gifts from friends. So I sort of horde them. But to my credit, I let my DD use some on a school project. (Check out my blog to see a pix of her milk carton house!)

    I store my flowers in little containers...little b/c I don't have a lot. My ribbons on rolls are stored on these great ribbon holders. Loose ribbon is stored in a ribbon drawer...not too original...but things are kept neat and tidy!

  99. I love ribbon because it always gives just the right finishing touch to cards.
    I love primas because they are just so pretty.
    I hoard my ribbon and primas lol, I am trying to get better, but I am a terrible hoarder, sound familiar.
    I store my ribbon in jars on old fashioned pegs and it looks so cool
    My primas are in small fat jars and they just look adorable.
    Congrats on the 100,000 honey! That's great!

  100. why you love ribbon: I think ribbon is one of the easiest embellishments to work with.

    why you love Prima flowers: They are soooo purty!

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers: I do use my ribbon regularly, but my primas I HOARD! I'm not real comfortable using them yet, but I have been pushing myself to use them more.

    how you store your ribbon and flowers: My ribbons are stored in two places; my ribbon chest for my organdy and gingham and metallic cording and my grosgrain is in a single plastic ribbon storage box from Target. My primas are in their original containers sitting on a self in my stamp room. In plain view and easy reach. :D

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have: compared to others probably not much! LOL! I have the majority of the SU ribbon but not very much else and I have an asortment of primas (mostly the Got Flowers, a couple Sassy and one each of the Minnie can and Hydrangeas.)

  101. 1. I LOVE ribbon because of the way it looks, the way it feels, the versatility of it, the way it makes ME feel to have it to look at and drool over.

    I use my ribbon on cards, I love to tie pretty bows on packages...I think I am one of the very very few people who likes to WRAP packages instead of use a bag. Sometimes I have ribbon that is so pretty I cannot bear to use it...or I ask the person if I can have it back after they open the package. (Isn't that pitiful?)

    I store my ribbon in an Iris cart drawer, and some in a big mason jar sitting out where I can see it. At one time, all the ribbon in the drawer was neatly rolled and taped or pinned, but it is just so unruly and does what it wants to.

    I think I have a lot of ribbon, but compared to some peoples stash, I don't have any. LOL One can never have too much ribbon.

    I have one bottle of primas. I have only used them once. No particular reason why.

  102. Congratulations on so many hits!

    I love ribbon and flowers because they are feminine. They make me feel girly and they are beautiful!

    I am getting better at not hoarding my ribbons and flowers. It's easy to do but I am working on it. I use them on cards and paper projects.

    I store my ribbons and flowers in drawers in my craft box. Each color has it's own drawer or container.

    Currently I have one a small smattering of Primas (two "Got Flowers" jars and three hydrangea tins) and about nine 3"x12" drawers if ribbons.

    Nancy Grant

  103. Jodie,
    Thanks for offering such a great Blog Candy!!
    1.why you love ribbon - I love the colors & textures of ribbons. I am just drawn to them.
    2. why you love Prima flowers - Flowers, that says it all.
    3. what you do with your ribbon and flowers - Horde & use them on cards and gifts
    4. how you store your ribbon and flowers - I use card boxes and have just started cutting holes in them. I also have some jars.
    5. how much ribbon and/or flowers you have - I have quite a bit of ribbon and no flowers at the moment.

  104. why do i love ribbon? why would i not?!?!? ribbon does it all! it's so pretty and versatile and useful. you can put it on ANYTHING and make it look amazing :D

    why you love Prima flowers? well, honestly, i'm prolly the only crafter around who really didn't like the primas, but for my redemption, i'm CRAZY for the new ones....dyin' to get my hands on some

    what you do with your ribbon? obviously i use it for cards and sbing, and really i'm not stingy with it. i guess a better question to ask is: what don't i do with it? i use it when i wrap gifts, put it in my girls hair, wrap boquets with it, attach it to tags that i hang on things in surprising places, home dec items, etc

    how you store your ribbon and flowers. well half of the appeal of the ribbon is the beautiful colors, textures, and patterns of the ribbon so i like to see it...thus, i circle it up and put color families together in big glass jars and all the scraps go together in their own jar. it makes me so happy everytime i look at them (plus makes it easy to quickly find the "right" one)

    how much ribbon you have? apparently not enough because i am constantly buying more! as far as feet or yards or miles, i couldn't say. suffice it to say that i have MANY variations of tones, textures, styles, and patterns for each color! although, i'm sure i could not rival your Royal Ribboness for quantity!

  105. why you love ribbon...
    I think this is because it comes in so many colors, sizes and patterns. The versatility is limitless and I love using ribbon on every project I make.

    why you love Prima flowers...they are so pretty and I love the texture of them~they just are the perfect accent for paper crafting

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers...
    I use them on cards, scrapbooking and papercraft gifts...that is if I can get past hourding them LOL!!

    how you store your ribbon and flowers...
    I cut chipboard that fits the width of a photo box and wrap the ribbon around them by color. This way when the lid is off the box, I can see at a glance the colors and easily choose the ribbon I need for the project I am working on.

    For the primas, I don't have alot of these yet as they are not readily available where I live. But the few I have rec'd from friends I have in jelly jars sitting on my shelves.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have...
    as stated above, not many flowers, but have talked our new LSS into carrying them, so looking forward to getting more.

    as far as ribbon, you can never have too much! I just purchased a bag of "ribbon" which is really seam binding, but looks like vintage ribbon in 20 colors. The bag was $3 and the rolls of ribbon say 100 yds and most of the rolls were full! So add approximately 1800 yds to 3 photo boxes full of wrapped ribbon and 2 boxes full of SU! and other spool would take to long to actually count Ü How it is that I am still "missing" a color, texture, etc with all that is beyond me. Ü

  106. I love ribbons and the prima flowers and I think they are so pretty - I have a little boy and don't get to make very many pretty scrapbook pages and so I use all my pretty stuff on cards I make for my girlfriends. I do use some plain ribbons and more masculine prints on some of my scrapbook layouts to liven them up but the prettiest stuff gets saved for my friends.

    I store my ribbon (under 5 feet) in the Cropper Hopper little drawers wrapped around the plastic cards and clipped. Right now I have about four drawers filled and could probably fill another one. Anything bigger stays on the spool and is in a ribbon box but I don't have many in there. I would rather have lots of choices and not much of them than to have too much of a single ribbon. I have only about six jars of the primas - they are divided by color in mason jars.

  107. why you love ribbon:
    Because it is something that I actually "get" and I am pretty good at using it (not too hard, huh??)

    why you love Prima flowers:
    Because their little jars and holders are so pretty!

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers:
    I actually use my ribbon quite often but the primas just sit in their pretty jars on a pretty shelf, for prettiness...

    how you store your ribbon and flowers:
    SU! ribbon on spool is in 2 of the SU! ribbon holders that my husband modified for me a little and then all other ribbon on spools is smooshed in 2 big drawers in a rolling cart, then loose ribbon that I can't figure out how to organize is smooshed in one big drawer, looks like the cat had a party in there!

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have:
    I can't admit that here in case husband finds this blog in my favs and reads it;)


  108. Congratulations my new best friend and as you know I LOVE LOVE LOVE ribbon. Sadly, I am an addict. I fully admit it. They say the first step to recovery is admitting your problem. Only I don't want recovery. Uh-oh! I am not surprised that your blog is so popular. You do a great job!!!

    Why I love ribbon - because it is soooo purty! Because I can touch and it just "ties" up a project perfectly. I cannot make a project without some sort of ribbon on it. It's impossible. I have tried. It's just not finished without the ribbon. Sorry.

    Why I love primas: I am new to primas (about year-ish). But I love them because they add girlie to cards and they are so versatile. They can be fun or dramatic or just a little ditty to add a little extra sumin sumin on your project. They are also PURTY!

    What I do with my ribbon and primas.....I look at them a lot. I touch them a lot....I think of giving them to other people....a lot. Mostly, I hoard them. I save them for me and then I go to the bunker and I hang out with them...because they make me happy. Sometimes, I will give them to other people....but mostly not. Hands off dude! Especially if it is ribbon from you. It's sacred. =)

    I am the most disorganized stamper on the earth. I am sure of it. I have been attempting organization for several years now...but then I get stamping and fo-get-a-bout-it. Right now, primas are in those little cropper hopper boxes in no particular order because I have no time to sort by color or type or whatever. Ribbon is wrapped around these little cardboard pieces and pinned with a satin pin to stay in place. I cut the cardboard pieces from the leftover cardboard at the back of the DS paper. I am really trying to recycle these days. I have them in this floss display case that my mom found me at an antique mall...but that is only part of the ribbon. The other half is hanging on the wall or is shoved in a drawer or is piled on the table. Told you I was unorganized. I need a team to come and organize me. I think I will try and get on that show. Hee hee.

    Thanks for posting the candy and for supplying my habit. =) Big hug!

  109. Ribbon adds such fun texture to any project and it comes in such vast yummy colours :)

    Got flowers ??? YUP!!! love them for what they are and the colours/texture they add to cards and LO.

    They were made for each other...sigh...I use them on Cards, LO, altered art much fun!

    I have most of my ribbon in a craft box that I made with a friend. The "yard" ribbons are loosely hanging on my Longaberger wrought iron...the rest are tucked in here and there. LOL
    My primas are neatly lined in their jars on my wall shelf that I bought specifically for the pretty little flowers. My bigger flowers are in clear pails hanging on hooks on another shelf...:)

    I can never have too much flowers and ribbon (according to me) ask my DH and family they might differ.

    BTW, I have bought all my flowers with two of my friends who love Primas and gotta have 'em all!!! We shop and much fun.

  110. I have too much ribbon to begin to count. I have a huge basket filled with ribbon that is not on the roll and about 4 or 5 other containers on the roll. Those are catagorized by kind or ribbon:organza, pattern. etc. I caught my cat in the ribbon basket, she looked so adorable I couldn't get mad, even though she was tangling it.

  111. why you love ribbon
    I love ribbon because it adds SO much to a card. It can give that extra little "umph" or make a dramtic addition and change the whole look of the project.

    why you love Prima flowers
    Simply because they're cute! Every girl loves flowers, doesn't she?!

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers

    how you store your ribbon and flowers
    My ribbons are stored several different ways (imagine that!) I have a dowel rod behind my stamp space that seemed like a good idea at the time...but sometimes out of the blue a roll will unroll itself and it scares the bejeebies out of me! Some ribbons are in SU ribbon containers and some are just in totes. And you'll usually find at least one roll laying in pretty much every room of my house! My Primas are in ziploc baggies in a little drawer simply because I don't have a lot of them...yet!

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have
    Not as much as I want to!!!!! You can never have too much ribbon and flowers!!!!!!

  112. Why I love ribbon:
    I love the way it flows and ties and just has a personality that it brings to a piece... color/texture/multiple ways to tie and fasten. When you see a ribbon on a project, it begs to be noticed!

    Why I love Prima flowers:
    They are so perfect and lasting... and the colors! Like a garden in an envelope (the impossible) they offer me and the recipient a chance to be a princess or feel so special in a moment... They add enchantment and sentiment in a way that is different from ribbon, yet meets some of the same interest levels mentioned above... they call us to see how they are attached (or seem to float...)

    What I do with my ribbon and flowers:
    I love using them on my cards, pages and 3D items... and LOVE to use them with my daughter who appreciates them to no end! We made a fantstic Princess sash that is my hands down favorite for all the joy it continues to bring.

    How I store my ribbon and flowers:
    I _wish_ I had a more permanent spot, but alas, I use plastic, rolling drawers... I love mason jars, though.

    How much ribbon and/or flowers I have:
    I am beginning to collect more ribbon... but it takes time and cash, so I am slow and considerate in my spending. I depend on sales and gifts it seems! I don't own any primas... I lust after them, but haven't treated myself to the yet! It is lovely to think of winning some!

  113. -I love the feel of it...all the different textures and colors!
    -Primas! Dainty Dainty girly pretty
    -make cards mostly and wrap presents and put them in my daughters beautiful hair:)
    -Thank God for Rubbermaid! LOL
    -Not enough! Hopefully more when you PICK ME!

  114. I am a ribbon aholic! I always have been. I think it adds the perfect added touch to a card, scrapbook page, or gift! I have never used Prima flowers!!! (gasp) I think they are beautiful and want to get some to use with my projects!!! I may be ashamed to count the amount of ribbon I own. Love your ribbons shares. May Arts ribbons are gorgeous. May have to join one soon!

  115. I love ribbon because it finishes my cards. It adds an essential element that I love! Even if it is just a small piece it can sometimes be exactly what I was looking for to complete a card. I store my ribbon in pretty photo boxes. I think I would love primas but alas I am the last person on Earth to try them.
    Angie W

  116. My deepest darkest secret? I'm a ribbon and Prima hoarder--I have TONS of ribbon and 5 bottles of primas and I have such a hard time parting with them! Like I can't buy more??? I think I need therapy!
    Lois H

  117. Oh it's so sad, I love ribbon and primas because they look totally amazing on my cards and scrap pages and give fabu dimension but in all honesty I tend to hoard them terribly instead of using them!

    My ribbon is stored on spools in trays by colour, my flowers, oy, mostly in baggies all over the place!

    I probably only have 150 yards of ribbon, not that much really. I can't even guess primas, but not nearly enough ;)

  118. My goodness are you kidding?? I love ribbon because it's so easy to use and I have just about every colour/design under the sun!! I store mine in stackable containers with holes in the sides so it can hang out the side and I can see it while I work. I like that I don't have to dig to the bottom of a box or jar to find what I want.
    I think my all-time favourite embellies are Primas!!!!!! Good grief they just keep getting more and more beautiful with each new type they create!! The colours are so beautiful and they just really add to my cards and scrapbook pages. I love to layer them!! They make me smile...**giggle** I'm SO easy to please!!!

  119. Hi Jody. Fabulous blog candy. Here goes...
    Why I love ribbon: Doesn't everyone? It is such a simple, but beautiful embellishment.
    Why I love Primas: They are so pretty to look at! I don't know that I have used many, but I love to just look at them!
    What do I do with my ribbon and flowers: Besides just look at them? I actually use quite a bit of my ribbon, although not as often as I should.

    Jennifer S

  120. Hi Jody!

    Congratulations on your big blog hits! That's wonderful! I know I've contributed as I stalk... I mean, read your blog.

    I love ribbon in any form! I've joined a couple of your shares and have tons that I buy in retail stores. I LOVE it! And of course, I'm finally starting to use it! I hoard everything. It's the hardest thing to do... cut into the perfect ribbon. I might hurt it! LOL! But, I'm finally using what I buy.. so I can buy more!

    Lisa / Silvergirl

  121. Wow awesome blog candy!!

    Love the primas and ribbon, All I like to do is hoard them! LOL

  122. Well I started a blog just so I could post, Jody!
    I love your blog candy!! A Girl can NEVER have too much ribbon, primas or diamonds..and chocolate! LOl

    I love ribbon because it is colorful and easy to collect!

    I love Primas because they're colorful and easy to collect!

    I collect Primas and ribbons....are you supposed to do something with them??

    I store my ribbons on wooden dowels that hang trapeze works great for me...there are 3-4 dowels that hang below each other on each trapeeze...can't let it get too heavy though, or the whole thing may pull the ceiling down! LOL

    I store my primas in the little glass jars or containers that they came in, and sometimes when I get them from jody's prima share, I put them into pretty apothecary jars!

    I have hundreds of big fat rolls of ribbon because my mom's friend is THE MAY ARTS LADY and we get good deals! LOL I cannot say how much ribbon I have because some of it is hidden from my husband in the stamping black hole room and he is not aware that we are really a RIBBON

    I also would never admit how many primas...because that is self incrimination -- and I don't want to get busted....I got hooked about a year ago when I bought a case of Primas from then on, it's been a case of prima-itis-collectionitis!

    What fun questions!!!

  123. I love ribbon cuz it's so pretty! Prima's too. I use ribbon on almost every card, but I hoard alot of it, especially dotted, spotted, flowered, and I put my ribbons in pretty jars and the same with my primas where I can see them and ooh and aah over them, then I go buy more, cuz you can never have too much of either. But pleezzzzze, don't tell my hubby. LOL

  124. Why I love ribbon??? Because my great friend Jody(she is such a pusher)got me hooked on the stuff... I gotta touch and feel it and hold it and smell it everyday!! hahaha! Now my projects are not complete without at least multiple strips and straps of ribbon attached to them somewhere!! LOL

    You know... as it was once said, "You can NEVER have too much ribbon (or Primas)!!!"

    I "heart" ya, Jody!!

  125. Ribbon is my MUST accessory for pretty much every card!

    Primas are just so pretty to look at and they top of most everything!

    Put them on cards, ribbon usually tied in a knot - primas usually with a little sparkle in the middle!

    Primas - wow, they are just everywhere! Ribbon - drawers, racks, bags, etc!

    oh my, I don't think I even know or want to. How about this, less than you?!?!

    Congrats on 100k girlie!

  126. So I really wasn't *that* into ribbon until I signed up for your solid and striped ribbon shares. And then I had to participate in your May Arts share. And now I am addicted to ribbon! I forbid myself to sign up for your Prima shares because I know I will be addicted to those too! But I thank you for offering these shares to us - you are wonderful for doing it!

  127. I liked ribbon , then after i met you and saw your wonderful creations i know love ribbon it is a great and easy element. it gives everything from cards to scrap pages a "POW"; as for the primas i just love flowers...not the real ones they aggrivate my allergies so primas are my fav. as for storing them i need help, i still have them in the boxes you delivered them..tee hee hee

    Jody you rock!!! Your classes are awsome, you are just a wonderful person and i consider my self lucky knowing you.. and especially living in the same city as you....lot of hugs... and congrats... your blog rocks.

  128. why do i love ribbon? let me count the ways... ha ha. i love ribbon because it is such a versatile embellishment... different colors, textures, designs - adds a nice to cards and scrapbooks.

    i just recently reorg'd my ribbons and they are now clipped on hangers by color shades. all shades of red and pink on one, then greens and blues on another...

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. I love ribbon and primas because they are just so pretty and feminine. I can't NOT use ribbon on a project.

    I store my ribbon in gutters, jars, and little ribbon boxes on ribbon cards.

    I store my flowers in jars and in SU stamp boxes by color.

    Love your blog!

  131. I love ribbon and primas cuz I can~LOL. When I got my first prima share, I took every flower out and touched them, layerd them, thought about how they would look in my hair.
    I have had a love affair with ribbon since I was a girl. I used to braid it in my hair, in my barrettes, on my sneakers.
    Now that I am an adult, I sew with it and use it in my papercrafts. The best part is I don't have to use my candy money to satisfy my Need for more~LOL

  132. Ok.. here goes..
    I love ribbon as there's so much variety. There's always something new.

    I don't have any Prima flowers yet.. maybe I'd win some ??? (lol)

    I'm more of the 'collector' than a 'user' type of person.. but since I ordered from you and purchased some more from Michael's, and got my collection quite high.. I've actually started to be generous in my use of ribbon !.

    As I only have ribbon, and if they are in spools, I store them in ribbon containers I bought from Michael's. And anything I bought from you, in a drawer. Must find a better method !!. I don't display much, and then 'people' get to know how much I spend !!!.

    I have about 40 to 50 spools of ribbon and about 20 other colours that got from you. Ahhhh !, do I have that many ??. nah !, I could do with some more for sure !!!.


    Well mine spend a little while in the box they came because I just want to "look" at them and not disturb them.
    Then they move to a more proper storage container and each spool of ribbon is put inside a zipered bad so it will not be in any danger.
    The primas remain in their original packages (bottles mostly) or if they come in a carboard box they have to be moved oh so gently to a more solid (plastic) container so there is no risk of squashing or anything!!! OMGosh that will be just scary!!
    Plus ribbon and primas and ribbon are stored in clear plstic containers with a tight lid so no humidity, dust or KIDS will get to them.
    PLUS in a clear container I can stair at them any time..... weird I know!!! *big grin*
    Hugs Jody
    CAROLINA (ApocalipsisR)

  134. I love my ribbons. I can't get enough of them. I just love to get my ribbon and run it through my fingers while I wrap in on a ribbon card... I touch every single inch of ribbon that way, and that way it all knows it's loved! LOL! Seriously, I don't think I can make a card without ribbon. Flowers I'm less likely to use... but I still like to collect them and look at their pretty colors!

    I store my ribbon in the 3x3 cropper hopper drawers. I just had to order more cards, as I have a bunch of ribbon waiting to be put on cards and in drawers yet. So far I'm liking the storage system!!!

  135. I love ribbon because of the variety of colors and textures. Just looking at it makes me happy. I don't have many spools because I am not a demo with customers. I prefer ribbon shares where I can get the variety I crave! I use your storage system Jody!! I saw the 3 X3 Cropper Hopper embellishment sleeve and ribbon cards on Your Blog. It works fantastic!! The primas I have are from one of your shares also and I store them glass jars (The kind with a pressure clamp and hinge built into the lid). Don't remember where I originally got them, they were just sitting empty, dusty, and lonely in my pantry. They work great!!

  136. Wow! Love the blog candy! As far as how I store my ribbon and flowers: most of my flowers are in their original packaging - prima bottles and boxes! ribbons are either on their spools on one of my several shelves of ribbon or I have the ones from various ribbon shares spooled on clothes pins and dropped in multiple glass jars from WalMart!

    As for how much ribbon and/or flowers I have - enough that I need to consider getting a bigger stamp room or cut back on my buying! BWAHAHA!

  137. I store my ribbon in anything I can find, boxes, jars and whatever else I find laying around (my husband thinks I am insane)! I love how ribbon feels against rich paper and it adds the greatest accent to any gift, card or scrapbook. As far as how many I have, well I have an infinate number of each! They are everywhere! I just recently received ALL of the prima sprites (which are absolutely gorgeous) and a bra and panty with pink polka dots and I just love every flower that I can get my hands's an addiction I know! Well hope you pick me! Thanks for offering up some great candy!

  138. As a receipt of two of your shares,ribbon and primas; I must say you are the ULTIMATE enabler!
    I use the ribbon and Primas as an embellishment on most of my cards. I store my Primas in glass jars and they add so much color. My ribbons I haven't really found a good way to store them. If I stop buying I probably wouldn't have such a problem LOL

  139. I love ribbon because it seems to tie up a card beautifully. It represents that extra effort we go to make the creations we give to others speacial.

    I love Prima flowers because they add beautiful texture and dimension to a card.

    I collect my ribbon and flowers, sort it by color, feel it, look at it, smile when I see it sitting on my shelf... and occasionally use it on my cards.

    My flowers are all stored on one shelf of a wicker bookcase. I originally arranged them attractively, but then when I pull one bottle, box or tin out, the rest do their own thing, so they have no specific order right now. My ribbon is in a 3 foot drawer, originally arranged by color, but usually just a big mess of ribbon. I have a gallon sized ziploc bag that I keep all of my newest ribbons in, so they're always within reach.

    I used to think I had a lot, before I saw everyone's blog pictures. Primas I have a 2.5 foot shelf full. Around 20 containers and a big glass jar for random ones that have been given to me. I have a 3 foot drawer full of ribbon.

  140. why you love ribbon: It is my thing... My younger sis loves to tear stuff (she's a "tearer" LOL). My older sis loves to have cutouts. It makes me want to cut something other than paper. And I am the ribbon queen. A little ribbon makes everything pretty.

    why you love Prima flowers: I just love flowers!!!

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers: I use them for everything - cards, scrapbooks, on presents, hold up pictures frames, hold supplies, everywhere...

    how you store your ribbon and flowers: Ribbon? Right now, it is all over my floor off the spools thanks to my eight month old baby girl. Flowers? I don't have any yet, so I don't have that problem. But I plan on putting some in cute little jars from Ikea.

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have: Not enough ribbon and no flowers... not yet anyway!

    Just wanted to add that I love your work. I am new to your blog and look forward to getting in on one of your shares! Have a great day!

  141. Ya wanna know why I love ribbon and primas? Because it covers up all my boo-boo's that I make on cards and scrapbooking!! Ironically I'm not one who won't part with primas or ribbon...actually I may use TOO MANY embellishments! :-)

  142. why you love ribbon
    Do I have a choice? No really, I love ribbon because of the texture. I love adding things to my cards and scrap pages that people can touch and feel.

    why you love Prima flowers
    There is something special about a paper flower. I have considered adding silks to my cards and pages but they just aren't the same. All of my scrapbook pages are 3D. I just can not have a flat page! Primas are a great way to add a girly touch.. and having three boys and a baby girl I can finally add that sweet girly touch to my scrapbooks!

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers
    I use them on cards and scrapbooks. I am a hoarder but I do like to use my stuff to. It is hard sometimes to use my favorite stuff but I always try to remember that I bought it to use and it is looks must lovlier used than in packages.
    how you store your ribbon and flowers
    Most of my Primas are got flowers and are in the bottles they came in. Some are in the paint cans they came in and some are in baby food jars.
    For ribbon, all my bobbins are on the spool and stacked in a babyfood jar. All my May Arts shares are wound on punches and in babyfood jars.
    All the bottles and jars are in wooden document boxes I painted and have screwed to the wall like shadowboxes
    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have
    well i have 9 bottles of white ptimas.... plus several paint cans. and a few babyfood jars and a couple of boxes. I lost count on how much ribbon I have at least a hundred spools... maybe two... i don't think I want to know the truth on this one.

  143. Hi Jodi!
    Congratulations on 100,000!!!

    Thanks so much for your awesome shares...and now, awesome blog candy!!

    1. Why do I love ribbon...
    it gives me such joy just to look at them. Each little roll has its own character. The pinks and oranges are happy, the greens are crisp, the blues are soothing, the reds are vibrant, and the purples just scream "pick me!".

    2. Why do I love Primas?
    Let me count the ways…

    They can be Sweet ‘n’ Sassy: sometimes Clueless, sometimes All About Me.
    They make Impressions wherever they go, maybe a Party Mix or just a little Playtime.
    They invite you to Get Daisy with them :) Just sprinkle a little Fairy Dust, and they take you to Carnivale, Festivale, Fiesta, and Mardi Gras!
    When you meet these Crazy girls, Alyssa, Brianna, Destiny, Ella, Lillian, Mackenzie, and Mia…you’ll get a little crazy too.
    They are Essential! They are the Crown Jewels!

    (my apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

    3. What you do with your ribbon and flowers?
    Most of the time, I gaze at them and wonder…what color do I need next?
    When I can bear to part with them, they decorate cards, and gifts, and bookmarks, and tags, and kitty cats :)

    4. How do you store your ribbon and flowers?
    My ribbons have been living in two BIG clear plastic storage boxes,
    but they told me it was getting a little crowded.
    So, last week, I surprised them with new “photo keeper” boxes from Michaels.
    Each family of colors has its own coordinating box.
    Now they have wiggle room :)
    My flowers are new arrivals, so they are staying in their travel homes, until they get settled in. Their little milk bottles are parked right next to the ribbon neighborhood.

    5. How much ribbon and/or flowers you have?
    I was curious about this myself. The ribbons seem to multiply like rabbits.
    So, I took a quick census.
    All total, my little ribbon neighborhood has turned into Ribbon City: population 222!
    Flower town is much smaller, with population less than 50.
    But, there will always be room for new arrivals :)

  144. Hi Jody,

    I "heart" ribbon. I also "heart" Primas. I don't think I have made a card in the last year that didn't have some ribbon or a prima on it. I store my ribbon on the 3x3 ribbon cards by cropper hopper and I bought these adorable little spice jars from IKEA to store my primas in. I think I have enough ribbon to last me till the day I can't stamp anymore, but do you think that will stop me from buying more. NOT.

  145. Congrats on 100,000 hits Jody!!!!! I love ribbon because it is purdy and you can always find the right color and style to suit whatever mood you are in!!!!! ;)

  146. I am going to answer some of the questions you asked.

    I love ribbon because it comes in a variety of colors and styles. You can do so much with it. Right now I have about 150 spools of ribbon. That is not counting all the ribbon I ordered from you and others that is still on its way to me. I store my ribbon in variety of ways. First I have a container that holds like 20 of my most popular ones. Then I have a cabinet with dowels that holds the rest, so I can see it all.

    I don't have many Prima flowers, but the ones I do have I love to use on cards. It adds so much to it.

    Well I hope I win some blog candy from you.

    Wendi Kaput
    Chicago, IL

  147. ·why you love ribbon – I love ribbon because it is a perfect embellishment for cards. Everything looks finished when you can wrap it up with a bow.

    ·why you love Prima flowers- Because they are so pretty and come in so many colors and sizes. I also have a “thing” for the containers they come in. Lets face it, perfume bottles, baby milk bottles, bras, panties….all very girly and fun.

    ·what you do with your ribbon and flowers- throw them in a pile and roll in them (wink wink) just kidding. They look great on altered tins and books, frames and decorations, all things crafted.

    ·how you store your ribbon and flowers- I wind my ribbon on ribbon 3x3 cards if they don’t come on a roll. My flowers that were purchased in a share are in magnetic tins. My bottles are lined up on a shelf.

    ·how much ribbon and/or flowers you have- I am not at liberty to say that out loud for fear my DH would see it. I have more than 200 types of ribbon, and many many flowers in all kinds of colors, patterns and sizes.

  148. Ode to Ribbon

    How do I love thee?
    Let me count the ways . . .
    You embellish a card,
    Make it not-very-hard,
    To create something lovely and sweet;
    You can accent a page,
    (which of course, is the rage),
    To accomplish a scrapbooking feat!
    You are stored in box,
    (Hey, at least you're not socks!),
    And I know I am stretching to rhyme;
    Wrapped around cardboard,
    Where you're loved and adored,
    You're the BEST and I'm 'bout outta time!
    Just how much do I own?
    Why, the box is outgrown!
    And I won't tell you how big it is;
    As for Primas, it seems,
    They are things of my dreams,
    'Cause I don't own a-one, aw, Gee Whiz!!

    Wendy Weixler :)

  149. I am just getting into primas but I plan on storing them in containers like eyelet containers.

    I LOVE ribbon!! I have tons of it. I use the Stampin' Up! ribbon holders to store it!!

    Thanks so much! I love your blog!!

  150. Oh I have always wanted to join a share, i think I will sometime in the future! Lets see.....i actually have a TON of ribbon, 11 of photo boxes full, plus two 2 1/2 gallon bags full. I HOARD ribbon! I just love it! I'm also starting to buy Primas, i love everything about them!

  151. Hi Jody! Great blog candy!! ;}
    I love ribbon and prima flowers because they really add so much to your projects! By adding ribbon or flowers the look can totally change!
    I love to use my ribbon and flowers on my cards and on my scrapbook pages! I also like to buy them for my friends!
    I store my ribbon on a wodden ribbon holder that a friend of mine had her husband make! The flowers are in their little containers sitting around for me to look at!
    My husband says I own tooooo much ribbon and flowers but I say a girl can NEVER own to much!!

    Ellie ( a closet ribbon addict!)

  152. I like ribbon cause it makes a card complete, it just looks great. I don't have any Primas yet, but wow they look so pretty. I store my ribbon in a basket, not very organized as of right now, I have seen people storing their embellishments in spice jars, and it looks great. I will have to get my old one out and clean it. I don't have too much ribbon as of right now.

  153. To me, ribbon just finishes off the card. I find it hard NOT to use some type of ribbon on all my finished projects! Prima's I'm guilty of hoarding...don't know why...I have PLENTY of them! They are so pretty sitting on my shelves. I purchased a grid panel with wire baskets from The Container Store to hold all my spools and jars of flowers. It works great for me! I can't begin to count how many ribbons or flowers I have accummulated! lol!

  154. Oh, I love ribbon too...the patterns are just so beautiful, and you can do so many different things with it! I have probably 100+ spools of ribbon...and quite a lot of Primas, too...I like to use them as accents (of course) and also the tiny ones in the corners on a card. Thanks for the great offering of blog candy! TOO FUN!!!

  155. I LOVE Prima Flowers! I don't have a whole bunch, but what I do have I have chosen an assortment & put them in a wooden box. When I am feeling blue I open it up & see all of the bright pretty Flowers & it makes me feel better! What can be better then looking at Prima Flowers? :)

    I guess the right answer would be to say I use all of my Ribbon & Flowers ALL of the time, but I would be lying! I am a HOARDER, and IMO, there is nothing better then having a nice pretty stash of Ribbon & Prima Flowers!


  156. Jody, how cool - thanks! I've recently organized my stamp room and have begun storing my larger pieces of ribbon (like from YOUR ribbon shares!) in magnetic spice tins. 10 yards wind up nicely and they have a hole in the side for pouring the spices which works really well to have the tail sticking out for easy use!
    Flowers - I only recently received some cool prima-type flowers as a gift but haven't used them yet - there are about 100 in the jar. Can't wait to play!

  157. I have always had a thing for ribbon! I don't remember when it started, but I always remembered saving the ribbon from birthday or Christmas presents. As I was growing up, I recycled them on presents I gave, and kept them in a little cigar box we had in the house for some reason (nobody in my family smoked).

    Nowadays my collection won't fit in a cigar box anymore, lol. I keep them in plastic containers intended for holding ornaments. They stack together and can be added onto as needed. I also use the SU ribbon holders exclusively for SU ribbon. I participated in another share and for those they are just sitting in a jar I bought at Ikea.

    I use ribbons mostly for packaging and paper projects. I love to use it to cover the paint can and provocraft tin handles, or making them the handles on card purses.

    I don't have too many Primas (only 4-5 bottles) and I like to use them as embellies particularly on decorate paper mache boxes.

  158. I LOVE ribbon!! I've had a love affair with ribbon (don't tell my hubby!) for as long as I can remember. I just love how it compliments papercrafts and really gives it that "touch" to finish off a project.
    Now, my only problem with this love affair of mine, is that I do tend to have issues about letting my ribbon go... yes, I confess! I hoard my ribbon. It's a constant inner battle!
    But I digress - I love your blog Jody - how could I not, we are sister ribbon addicts!! I would love to take some of that lovely blog candy off of your hands!! I promise, I will try my best to not hoard it! :) ~Crystal M.

  159. from one ribbon addict to another:

    why you love ribbon
    'cuz it adds so much dimension to my cards and scrapbooks ... I love to use it for a border on cards between the cardstock and papers I've chosen!

    why you love Prima flowers
    I'm a mom of 2 boys and haven't used flowers much ... but am starting to use 'em on cards mainly, and Prima's are just awesome!

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers
    use 'em on my cards, mainly. got into cardmaking in the past year and I'm now hooked on another pasttime!

    how you store your ribbon and flowers
    flowers are in original containers or clear containers so colors are easy to find
    ribbons are mounted in CD spindles and sorted by color families - I generally buy 3 at a time in a given family

    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have
    more ribbons than flowers - have a couple containers of flowers (you don't mean for me to count them individually, I'm betting!)

    ribbons are another matter - 67 - just got back from counting! so, as you can plainly see, I need more!!

    later, alligator!
    - Sue B

  160. Why do I love ribbon - the colors call my name. The color combinations on ribbons give ideas of what to do when making cards.

    Why do I love Primas - they add a whole new look to craft projects.

    What do I do with my ribbon and flowers - like others have said - I hoard it. I haven't had a lot of time to create lately, but the plan is to use it on cards, altered lunch boxes, anything I can find and want to create.

    How do I store my ribbon and flowers - The flowers are still in the packaging from one of your shares and the tube I purchased. Some of the ribbon is kept on the original rolls and in clear storage boxes. Miscellaneous yardages are wrapped around clothespins and stored by color families.

    How much ribbon and/or flowers do I have - I have only a few flowers. I participated in one of your Daisy Crazy share (love the daisies) and one tube I purchased at the LSS. Ribbon is a whole other matter. I didn't realize how much I had until I started organizing. I have LOTS and LOTS of ribbon!!!

    Love the blog candy. Congrats on hitting 100,000!!!

  161. # why you love ribbon

    Because I could not be Jody's friend if I hated it *wink wink* LOL! Actually, I love ribbon cause it makes everything prettier. It is the perfect solution to any card that is "missing" something.

    # why you love Prima flowers
    Because they come in the most adorable packaging ever. The actually stick well to your projects (unlike the Bazzil flowers I bought too). They are girly and fun!

    # what you do with your ribbon and flowers

    Hoard them . . . and occasionally use one or two flowers or pieces of ribbon on a project when it is for someone especially cool!

    # how you store your ribbon and flowers

    Flowers are kept on an ikea shelf with a lip -- right above all my loose stamps from other companies besides SU ones. Ribbon is kept on a metal bar mounted on the wall, and in drawers, and all over my desk, and everywhere . . . lol

    # how much ribbon and/or flowers you have

    I have the best stock of ribbon because a sweet girl who is addicted to it sends me some from time to time (hmmmmm, I wonder who that could be?) and because Hobby Lobby is close to me now and every time they put it on sale, I cannot resist and end up getting a roll or two (that also goes for when they put the American crafts rolls on sale), and since I actually use it a lot -- I find I can rationalize buying lots and lots more.

    I have less flowers because since I tend to hoard them I cannot rationalize purchasing them. I love them, they are so pretty but hard to part with. I have been doing better though lately :)

    Pick ME, PICK ME!!!!!

  162. I love ribbon for so many reasons -- but most of all because it's a colorful and versatile way to add a special touch to any project. It can be a fastener, a handle, a decoration, a stripe, a bow, etc. And it comes in every color, width, pattern... just can't get enough!! :)

  163. Mulberry Blossoms
    Desktop garden tilled
    Fields for planting, harvesting
    Mulberry blossoms

    Prima Travel, Inc.
    Daily vacations:
    The gardens of Giverny,
    Caribbean isles…

    May Day
    Wrapping and weaving
    Cocoons of satin ribbon
    Oh, to be the pole

    On Finding Ribbon in the Hallway
    Neatly spooled ribbon
    A spectrum aligned. Then cat.
    Unraveled chaos

    This was fun! Thanks!!!

  164. I love these flowers. Ribbon and Flower just add that special something you "need". As for how I store oh my goodness I need a good way,

  165. I love ribbon because it is so much fun to embellish cards and scrapbook pages with it. I love the variety of colors, patterns textures, and all the different looks you can get by combining ribbons, tying differen ways, adding hardware, etc. Ribbon is so versatile!

  166. Hi Jody,
    Thanks for this cool contest. I must admit that I am not a Prima junky yet as I have never owned one. Gosh, aren't I brave to say that! LOL I have seen them in the scrapbooking stores and am now seeing them on people's cards. They are really pretty! I became more aware of them after reading about people who have them and love them in the VSN hostess chat and them Karen (Kthaman) mentioned your blog and here I am.
    So, to answer your first question - I love ribbon because of all the different colours, textures, widths, etc. They come in so many different designs there is no end to how one can use them. Ribbons put the finishing touches on a card or a scrapbooking page!
    I use ribbons on my cards as I said, to finish the design, although having said that, I also use ribbon to inspire the direction of the design of a new card or the colours I would use. I am thinking that Prismas will do the same sort of thing for me as well.
    I will be storing my ribbons up on a wall soon, as my DH is making me a rack which will let me hang the rolls ribbon on a dowel. When I get primas I think I will do as I saw Taylor's (Stagccva)collection of Primas - It looks like she used the spice jars from IKEA. What an excellent idea as you can see the colours so easily and clearly.
    As far as how much ribbon I have - I must have around 50 rolls of ribbon so far. :) And as I said at the beginning - no Prismas at all.
    Again thank you for the opportunity to enter your contest and for reading all this. I am sometimes kind of long winded. *smile*

    Gerri aka olika in SCS

  167. How can you not love ribbons and flowers???It is ingrained in ALL women to love and surround our selves with them(the more the better). As to what I put them on? that would be EVERYTHING.I store my flowers and ribbon...right inn front of my face so I can be aware of their beauty. I will never have enough...I only have as much as my budget will allow.

  168. Why I love Prima Flowers?
    I love Prima flowers because they are bright and cheery, they make any altered item look beautiful, and is totally me! I love flowers, in fact I would have flowers all over my house and backyard if my husband would let me but he doesn't so I used them as much as possible on my layouts, cards, and altered items.

  169. why you love ribbon

    why you love Prima flowers
    ~they add a little *pop* and
    whimsy to cards...and they are
    just SO fun to collect!!! :)

    what you do with your ribbon and flowers
    ~cards, cards, and cards. Oh, and
    I used some pretty pink ribbon to
    attach dd's *nuk* to her
    sweater....just may have to
    coordinate her more was

    how you store your ribbon and flowers
    ~just bought the Target cubes....
    and am loving them. Some is on
    rolls in a drawer with a tic tac
    toe divider, some wrapped on
    cards, and some just in fun little
    *bundles* Just put an pretty
    flower eyelet in the lid of an
    empty prima jar....for a ribbon
    how much ribbon and/or flowers you have
    ~11 jars of primas and 3 drawers
    full of ribbon...and I'm not done

  170. I love ribbon because it is pretty, it add a lot to cards and scrapbook pages, and it makes cards look like you took a little extra time and put a little more love into them.

    I just got into primas but I like them because they also add a lot to a card.

    I keep my ribbon in many places: in jars, in boxes and in drawers. I LOVE RIBBON!!!!

    I am always picking up ribbon at Michaels and Walmart so I just know that I have A LOT!!! I have also found the ribbon addict and keep ordering hers.

    Thanks for the fun way to win some "candy"

  171. Hi JODY,

    Did you hear me scream this morning all the way from little old NZ when my first ever ribbon share arrived from you. Thank you! Thank You!

    I was "Oh my goshing" all over the living room when my son and hubbie rushed in to see what all the frenzied excitement was about. When they realized it was the ribbon they both looked at each other, shook their heads, backed out and said together "Oh my Gosh - is that all!"

    Is that ALL??? I just haven't been watching the post everyday for 2 weeks since I learned how to use paypal. I had to stop myself several times emailing you to say "Are you sure you sent it? Did put the right addie on it?) Is that all??? I was so overjoyed I took it to work with me and showed the kids in my class. The boys looked at my weired but the girls got into it and humored me. :) :) :)

    So WHY DO I LOVE RIBBON?? I have heaps of ribbon saved from so far back they have gone out of fashion but I still hold to them. I fell in love with the polka dot ribbons when I saw them used in so many blogs, I was so green with envy. I searched NZ high and low for any sign of that type but sadly no. They have most of what you advertise but not one retailer or wholesaler had the polka dots.

    I was over the moon when I saw you advertise them in your blog because of course I go there all the time to drool and dream.

    I love the way they add something special to a project whether it is in floral art, quilting or my daughters pig tails. I love them anytime and always try to incorporate them in my work. So thank you, thank you again.

    I can keep going but my daughter is yelling at me to take her to work.
    So, bye for now - Lissa

  172. Great Blog!

    I love ribbon because it so easy to add to any card and makes it look so pretty.
    I store my ribbon scraps and flowers in cute glass jars from Ikea and my full spools in my SU ribbon keepers.


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